How a Girl Met Jesus in a Brothel

We stood on that dusty street corner, waiting. Our team had talked about the brothel for weeks––we’d meet the girls, maybe share our story, or just bring a little joy to their day. But this was the last day of outreach. I hadn’t personally led anyone to Jesus, barely...

Blessed are the Disappointed

I was fifteen when I first went to Cambodia on a missions trip, and my life flipped upside down in the way I’d always hoped for. I stood in the dust of the slums, kids danced around, chasing bubbles with innocent joy. I was eager to go back the next year, and felt the...

The Boast of a Bratty YWAM Kid

​If I boast in anything, I boast in this– that I was weak.  Even now you’re protesting. I can see your encouraging heart on hyperdrive, ready to comment below about all the strength I have, all it took for me to lead a team in the Himalayas. Don’t. That would defeat...