“Just go over to the house sometime, they’d love to meet you!”

Fresh to Tauranga, New Zealand, friends had raved about the YWAM Furnace community. My new university was right next door to where their current Discipleship Training School was running, and I wanted to meet them. I’d heard about DTS all my life and it had taken God’s very-clear guidance for me to do a teaching degree instead. I loved the multicultural chatter of YWAM, the real-time missionary stories, and just hanging out with people who loved Jesus well.

However, one brisk, autumn afternoon, I stood frozen at the start of the YWAM house’s driveway, soon after my friend urged to “just go over!”. Crinkled leaves blanketed the gravel, but I didn’t want to take another step through them. I double-checked the text that said it was alright to visit, and nervously smoothed out my coat.

All I could do was just be myself—and it freaked me out…


This post is part of my role as editor and writer for YWAM Furnace NZ’s blog. Read the rest of the story here!