His purpose wasn’t to turn the water into wine. That was a favour for his friends. His purpose wasn’t to show his power. The wedding host didn’t even know what Jesus did. His purpose wasn’t to preach. There is no record of a sermon.
Really only leaves one reason. Fun. Jesus went to the wedding because he liked the people, he liked the food, and heaven forbid, he may have even wanted to swirl the bride around the dance floor a time or two. (After all, he’s planning a big wedding himself. Maybe he wanted the practice?
-Max Lucado, When God Whispers Your Name (p. 24)
Location Read: Newcastle, Australia
Source: YWAM Newcastle Library
Month: February 2016
This was so good. Then? Come next chapter, I was downright confused. Reading each chapter, the next seemed a leaf from a completely different book. Until I finally realised When God Whispers Your Name was more like a series of stories, or even devotionals, rather than “chapters” under a common plot line– so I pulled myself through it.
I’ve only ever read Max Lucado’s children’s books, such as You Are Special and Just the Way You Are . This hasn’t been on purpose, we just never had others on the bookshelf at home. I was pulled in instantly with his metaphors, his narrative bringing the Bible alive, and one-liners that stop me in my tracks. But still, I was remarkably confused. Rather than a series of stories pulled into one journey, like John Eldredge often does, this particular Lucado book was more like a series of blog posts.
Which led me to some awkward conclusions. Was the biggest aspect of this book really my frustration at its disconnected chapters– even if it was like that on purpose? Well… sheepishly I reply, yes. Yes there great lines, great stories, beautiful lessons…
But the most poignant lesson was that I discovered how much I long for things to be connected, to follow a common theme. I highly doubt Max Lucado’s books are all like this (there are dozens of them!) nor do I think he intended this book to have an organised story. It’s readable, can be put down and picked up easily, following the rhythm of our 21st century lives (although I do believe it was written in the ‘90s).
However, when I read a book? I discovered I don’t want that. I want a journey. A start, a struggle, a finale. I want to hear far more of the author’s life than other people’s, I want to know their relationship with Jesus and to be given hope for mine. I don’t always need a road map. I want to feel like I have a friend or mentor by my side. Living, breathing, personal.
So it challenges me all over again. Will I let myself be vulnerable in writing my own journey? Will I let God show me the bigger story going on?
Please, Kayla, please let it be “yes”. Because God whispered my name through the whole thing:
You can do this, too. You can be a Christian writer. You can do it, too. And you will.
Okay? So don’t try to fuss. It’s destiny. I love you.
“…A father who doesn’t get angry when we get weary…”
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