To tell you the truth, somehow I subconsciously thought I wouldn’t make it to this day. I look back to my despair about two weeks ago, wondering how I would make it through.
The real challenge was the unknown. Before I knew the kids, there was stressful uncertainty. How can you plan for that which you do not know? And now, when routine has been established and the kids are officially friends… we only have one day left. Isn’t that how all two week camps end up?
God definitely has provided in miraculous ways.
This morning we talked about how Jesus fed the 5000 with five loaves and two fish. We passed around bread rolls and little goldfish, and thanked God for what he’s given us.
It’s amazing to think of 5000 people being fed and all, but the part of the story that really hits me is the little boy who gave his lunch to Jesus. He was probably hungry (and being with kids these past two weeks, I’m sure he was) and only had a small lunch his mom packed for him. He listened intently to Jesus and must have known that he takes anything we have to offer.
Imagine five thousand people covering the hills and somehow this little boy pushes through the crowds to Jesus. His disciples are busy worrying about this hungry mob and a kid runs up to them as if his small lunch is the solution. I know I would have laughed.
Isn’t that little lunch just like our talents? People (or even ourselves) persuade us that we won’t make a difference in a crowd that huge. Physically impossible and all. But what did Jesus do with that little lunch? He multiplied it. He made one seemingly insignificant lunch satisfy five thousand hungry people. With twelve baskets of food extra.
How much more can he use our small gifts and talents? We need to surrender our rights… be hungry for a little bit… then see him multiply it by the thousands. You will bear much fruit. So stop holding on to your lunch and go give it to Jesus. He will do so much more with it.