Today was a whirlwind of good friends, final assignments, meaningful one-on-ones, and joyful celebration.
Add in pancake breakfast with our class, complete with hot Milos and whipped cream, at Cathryn’s house– and you have a lovely time of Wow… we have actually done this together.
We have. When I say that “we did it” I also mean we couldn’t have done it without God’s grace… but as I looked around the room filled with laughter and inside jokes that could only make sense to students in training to be teachers…. my heart was so full, whole, satisfied. God has been good to us now. He’s the reason my heart was so content. I’m filled by Him. Oh, how He will be good to us for the next two years!
Yet those years are still a little hop ahead. For now I’m standing on the edge of some green grass, about to leap into the dusty sand of our sunny New Zealand summer. Well, technically I’m going back home to Hawaii for their winter but it’s actually pretty much the same temperature. Which means? For the first time in my life, I am truly grateful for Hawaiian weather. It means I WILL have a summer, quite certainly. 🙂
Waves are crashing on the beach before me, but hello. I’m here, now, on our grass. And wow, though I speak of Hawaii of home, and it is, I want you to know that this has become home, too. And after days like today, driving past the Omokoroa countryside with three other classmates singing along to Regina Spektor songs known from the library of my past and us all talking of the future… yeah, I feel at home. I am known. I am loved. And for that I am so grateful to God.
He’s so kind. And He knows me. That’s what I’ve learned this year. Oh, how He knows me.
So ask Him what’s something He knows specifically about you. You might just be surprised with His answer.