[Writing of vulnerability] “…Perhaps this is the radical nature of the Christian style which we should learn to demonstrate to the world. The Christian is not always right, always virtuous, or always guided. Not at all. He is often wrong, errs frequently, and makes many wrong turns, but he is someone who does not have to defend or justify himself– he has been freed by the grace of God from the need to be someone or something other than himself.”

-Bruce Larson, “No Longer Strangers”

I found this quote in a book called “Sent to be Vulnerable” by Creath Davis. The title caught my eye as I was perusing the BTI library, especially because of my blog name and a whole bunch of what Jesus has been teaching me over the past year. Talk about breaking me down. Well, Davis did warn me on the back cover, “Read this at risk of your life.” But what liberation we receive when we lay it all down! My pride, my covering up of true self has hindered so much in the past. What a glorious revelation that– as a Christian, I am not always rightand through that revelation I can let myself receive the forgiveness of Jesus! What redemption He has made possible through His own willingness to love! 

I wanna ask Jesus that you would have a new revelation of His love through redemption today. Mahalo nui loa for reading.