I made you a beautiful as the full moon to reflect my glory. Don’t you see the craters, the shadows, the frailties? You proclaim my glory nonetheless.
I woke up this morning with unspeakable joy. Glorious joy.
And it bubbled up throughout the day, bursting forth at lunchtime when a handful of girls at my school were gathered in a room with a piano and our voices. Jesus was among us. We chose him over socializing, this one day.
And oh, I was laughing. He’s that good.
My friend and I were interceding for our school and then the Holy Spirit was downloading his tangible presence. I like that.
All in half an hour. We tumbled out of the room with delighted smiles while everyone else seemed quite bewildered at our happiness.
Then I had to go take a Spanish 2 test among people who weren’t particularly joyful. But I like these situations that test my joy despite my circumstances. . . I didn’t exactly keep the high and ended up a bit grumpy and tired by the end of the day. But you know what? (I had to remind myself this while trailing around Costco aisles) Jesus is still good. He still saved me from a meaningless and purposeless existence and HERE I AM today.
That’s wonderful. Regardless of my energy.
(That has a hint of sarcasm but I am genuinely excited for the adventure)
God adores you so much.