I am beginning this blog because in order to process anything, I need to write. I cannot fully learn without a pen in my hand.
Why am I talking about learning and processing when I am the teacher?
I don’t claim proficiency in anything, I’m a teenager. What I do know is that I love to write, and my calling is to teach children. May as well practice!
Next week I am going to be the main teacher of twelve 3-7 year olds, with two good friends by my side (and any other assistance I can get). There’s a kid’s track running alongside the Impartation conference on our YWAM base, and they needed someone to lead the younger group. I don’t feel fully equipped for this job… but I know with God I totally can do it. He has instilled wisdom and love into me so I don’t need to worry about it! And my overseers/staff have been so encouraging.
This will be a record of my preparation, class days, and aftermath. Writing about funny mishaps, powerful messages from kids, and just in general, my adventures in teaching the “Explorers” from July 15-30.
I told my assistant teachers, “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into”. I’ve baby-sat, been assistant teacher in an art class and a science class, planned and taught Sunday school lessons. But what we do all know is how rewarding this month is going to be. So put your newspaper caps on and grab your telescopes, we’re off to explore God’s heart in teaching. 🙂