I’d seen it all. Those missionary teams, coming back sharing stories about their latest trip. Those Discipleship Training Schools (DTS), telling testimonies on stage. I was so used to long-winded explanations of why you should join “why-wham” and what God could “do in your life”, that I started tuning them out. I’d been recruited for DTS countless times, but every time, I said “No”. Was it because I had a grudge against missions? Not at all.

When I graduated from high school, God told me to go to university instead—and not do a DTS.

By the time I graduated with my teaching degree, I had given up any idea of becoming a missionary. I’d learned that I could follow God in my part-time teaching job, and didn’t need to be in “Christian ministry” to serve Him. I knew I was where I was supposed to be—God’s word to me after high school was clear. I wasn’t going to budge from it.

But then God started asking me a question:

“What do you want?”

This post is part of my role as editor and writer for YWAM Furnace NZ’s blog. Read the rest of the story here!