“You are more than enough.”

I’ve heard this countless times directed to God. I’ve seen the truth of this statement in other people’s life. I’ve experienced it myself. The over-abundant extravagance of a man who does not love us half-heartedly.

Yet… to have this statement turned back on myself?

That is a completely different thing altogether.

It’s 8:45am on a blue-canopied summer morning, Sunday waiting to be filled with laughter and worship and prophetic words and tears beyond reckoning. It’s 8:45am and I am just finishing an hour and a half conversation with my best friend and he’s telling me something more, something clear, something that it takes three days to soak in.

Imagine the voice of one of your best friends. I say “one of” because in earthly terms I cannot say “best” to just one of the puzzle pieces of the heart of God, as found in the men and women he has placed around me. So imagine the voice and tone of “one of the bests”– they aren’t mad at you. You happily banter back and forth about childhood dreams and Swiss Family Robinson, joking in between. You read a prayer that this friend wrote at a critical part of their life and you are starting to understand their heartbeat behind the “with me where I am”. You continue by jumping off your bum and on to your feet to the sound of your favourite musicians proclaiming the truth.

Now it’s 8:45am. (Relationships take time).

And this is what my best friend concludes our time with:

“You are more than enough, Kayla, and that is where you get it wrong so often. You think you have to do more, prepare more, do SOMETHING when in fact you just have to rest in me.”

The shocking thing is that he is right. (Best friends usually are). How many times have I held a standard of perfection so strongly up against myself that I’ve choked under the sheer pressure of it all? How many times have I procrastinated simply because I did not think I could actually meet that standard? How many times have I believed the lie “you are not enough”?

Now, in many aspects that statement is true. Alone we cannot stand and we were made to be a community and we were made to be dependent on Jesus and each other. THAT IS RELATIONSHIP! I’m talking about the lie that comes when you ARE walking with Jesus in the day-to-day life… the insidious you don’t have what it takes to [insert your mission: be it school assignments, winning the approval of a girl, or speaking up the front]. Oh, beloved… rest. There you will find peace and strength for the time to come.

Ummmmm…. wait a second. So if Jesus plopped that lie on the head with a wooden hammer, if he’s right in the fact that I need to rest more, that I have been striving too hard, thinking I’m inadequate even with Christ… if he was right in that… what about the first sentence?

I am more than enough. Sounds shocking to say, right? Say it, say it aloud for me, say it in front of your iPhone screen or your computer monitor wherever you are in this beautiful world. I AM ENOUGH. I AM MORE THAN ENOUGH.

Not only are you adequate for whatever God has called you to be, pursue, and do, you are more than adequate. You are fully qualified, you are more than prepared. You are extravagantly equipped. Sure, you have gaps, and sure, you’ll learn on the way. But right now? Ladies, you are far more beautiful than you ever imagined, and gentleman, you more than have what it takes– and we are all just waiting for you to step out…

Step out! Go! Burst forth! Get rid of fear,

“…and come into me.”

Oh, the places we’ll go.


Readers, we are more than enough. We are more than enough because we are his. 

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this isn’t your own doing; it’s the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship [poem, masterpiece], created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. -Ephesians 2:8-10